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Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel

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 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Empty Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel

Писане by Olivia. Съб Май 03, 2014 6:28 pm

Кой е там? Не се крий!
 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Tumblr_mygv3udEf51qmr51go6_250


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Join date : 01.05.2014

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 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Empty Re: Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel

Писане by Nemesis. Съб Май 03, 2014 6:34 pm

 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Tumblr_mvadpxgsWB1rf03c7o4_250
Огненото момиче да не би да се страхува?

Брой мнения : 18
Join date : 03.05.2014

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 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Empty Re: Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel

Писане by Olivia. Съб Май 03, 2014 6:47 pm

Коя по дяволите си ти?
 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Tumblr_mma37tlAr91qmr51go2_250

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 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Empty Re: Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel

Писане by Nemesis. Съб Май 03, 2014 7:31 pm

 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Tumblr_myfuhdB74z1qkz0a3o4_250
Не мисля,че наистина искаш да знаеш,Рейчъл.
 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Tumblr_mvadpxgsWB1rf03c7o5_250
Предния път когато бе навън толкова късно ми изпрати един доста опърлен красавец,които доста се разочарова,че не си го харесала.

Брой мнения : 18
Join date : 03.05.2014

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 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Empty Re: Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel

Писане by Olivia. Съб Май 03, 2014 7:38 pm

Не се и учудвам,че се е разочаровал,че не съм го харесала,но в днешно време мъжете са толкова грози,че те е гнус да ги докоснеш.
 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Tumblr_mqdwu6LhGK1qmr51go6_250
А сега ми кажи коя си,защото не искаш да знаеш какво се случва с този който ме ядоса.
 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Tumblr_mst76uhvGz1qmr51go5_250

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Join date : 01.05.2014

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 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Empty Re: Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel

Писане by Nemesis. Съб Май 03, 2014 7:45 pm

 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Tumblr_mvadpxgsWB1rf03c7o2_250
Опитай се да видим дали ще стане нещо,тогава.

Брой мнения : 18
Join date : 03.05.2014

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 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Empty Re: Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel

Писане by Olivia. Съб Май 03, 2014 7:49 pm

Забрави!Не си струва да си хабя силата напразно.
 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Tumblr_n0qlsyTyDb1qh91jxo4_250

Брой мнения : 165
Join date : 01.05.2014

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 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Empty Re: Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel

Писане by Nemesis. Съб Май 03, 2014 7:52 pm

 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Tumblr_mvak3wm2AQ1qzg2sjo5_r1_250
Жалко ,щеше да ми е наистина интересно. Особено защото за сега си ми фаворит.

Брой мнения : 18
Join date : 03.05.2014

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 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Empty Re: Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel

Писане by Olivia. Съб Май 03, 2014 8:13 pm

Фаворит ли?За какво говориш?
 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Tumblr_n4uya6ppqy1qehsoxo2_500

Брой мнения : 165
Join date : 01.05.2014

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 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Empty Re: Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel

Писане by Nemesis. Съб Май 03, 2014 8:20 pm

 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Tumblr_inline_mzf8j6UcBJ1s7413o
Да речем че като ми доскучае си избирам по няколко фаворита от няколко различни раси и се надявам скоро да не трябва да ги приемам в своето кралство.

Брой мнения : 18
Join date : 03.05.2014

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 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Empty Re: Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel

Писане by Olivia. Съб Май 03, 2014 9:03 pm

Кралство?Вече започваш да си измисляш.
 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Tumblr_n4te01X0me1tawxrzo1_250

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Join date : 01.05.2014

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 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Empty Re: Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel

Писане by Nemesis. Съб Май 03, 2014 9:10 pm

 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Tumblr_n4v5eyhFMY1ta64byo1_250
Никога ли не си чувала за Отвъдното?

Брой мнения : 18
Join date : 03.05.2014

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 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Empty Re: Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel

Писане by Olivia. Съб Май 03, 2014 9:30 pm

Чувала съм за това по филмите,но ако ми кажеш,че си и кралица на това "кралство" ще трябва аз лично да те заведа на психятър.
 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Tumblr_n30p647wna1s816eqo4_250

Брой мнения : 165
Join date : 01.05.2014

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 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Empty Re: Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel

Писане by Nemesis. Съб Май 03, 2014 9:33 pm

 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Tumblr_n4v5eyhFMY1ta64byo4_250
В момента само ти ме виждаш. Психиятъра май ще прибере само теб като му кажеш за мен. И да. Аз съм Смъртта.

Брой мнения : 18
Join date : 03.05.2014

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 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Empty Re: Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel

Писане by Olivia. Съб Май 03, 2014 9:47 pm

Да речем,че това което казваш е вярно.Защо точно аз мога да те виждам?
 Does random things or is it fate?/Charlotte and Rachel Tumblr_n3qv7bsjV11t4an54o2_250

Брой мнения : 165
Join date : 01.05.2014

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